1.Improve the content and operation of the "Digital Creative Talent Incubation Platform" website to promote the development of the IT industry by encouraging networking between the industry, venture funds and creative talents.
2.Improve the "Online Service Data and Business Intelligence System" to improve the administrative quality and decision-making support in all government agencies so they can define policies that meet the needs of the general public.
3.Establish personalized, customized and innovative web-based services that provide city residents with a convenient portal to living information. Vulnerability scans of government websites will also be stepped up to provide city residents with more convenient and safe IT services.
4.Continue to promote the single-login function for common KCG IT systems. Consolidated authentication will improve the security and convenience of e-administrative processes for city employees.
5.Improve network bandwidth and stability, continue to monitor network usage and advise department networks on appropriate usage to improve IT performance and security.
6.Continue to improve the learning environment platform, e-learning content and digital knowledge innovation & sharing applications to narrow the digital divide in the general public.
7.Continue interface and promote innovative services through the "KCG e-Government Service Platform" to provide an even greater range of convenient e-services.
8.Assist the Kaohsiung City Council set up the "Budget and Fund Budget Review System" to reduce paper consumption and boost the council's legislative efficiency in support of the "energy conservation and carbon reduction" policy.
9.Support the Executive Yuan's energy conservation and paper reduction plan by setting up online review systems for administrative affairs such as attendance and asset management. The system will also be introduced to other agencies and schools.
10.Continue to upgrade the IT security software and hardware of the KCG website and e-mail system particularly against e-mail spam.
11.Implement e-mail social engineering exercises for employees in accordance with the KCG IT security policy in order to ensure the safety of employee e-mail information.
12.Continue to strengthen the IT infrastructure and set up monitoring mechanism for critical equipment.
13.Continue to promote IT security system and education. Upgrade IT gateway systems and other necessary IT defenses in response to evolving hacker threats.
14.Actively develop and promote video-conferencing and other ubiquitous services to improve the government's administrative performance.
15.IT software/hardware integration efforts must be stepped up due to the amalgamation of the counties and cities. The Department will actively advise KCG agencies on IT consolidation and strengthen advance planning/review of future IT programs to realize the goal of resource sharing and improved performance.